Brunswick Review
Unbroken – Mark Pollock “With each loss—eyesight, mobility—Mark Pollock has upped his accomplishments.” Read article
World Economic Forum
“5 Global leaders share the best advice they ever received” Read article
Exploring The Frontiers Of Spinal Cord Injury Recovery
In the aftermath of Mark’s catastrophic spinal cord injury in 2010, he drew on his experiences as an adventure athlete. It started with the simple principle that moving was better than staying still. And, that has led onto a personal quest to cure paralysis in our lifetime.
A Cocktail Of Interventions Across Disciplines
Mark speaks about what it will take to cure paralysis in our lifetime. In particular he focuses on why it will take a cocktail of interventions and the importance of collaboration across disciplines.
Providing Others With Access To Exoskeletons
We launched an Exoskeleton Access Programme at Dublin City University to provide access to paralysed people, stroke patients, those with MS and other neurological conditions for a nominal fee. One of those people talks about her experience of using the Ekso Bionics device for the first time.