The Fine Line Between Fear and Excitement – Team Daft 12 hours to go!

As I write this I am in my bunk aboard the team daft yacht. We have 12 hours to go until our race around Ireland begins. The other competitors are all around us and I am starting to feel the fear!
I remember this feeling from before. Fear is how I have just described it but fear of what? Fear of failure? Fear of under performing? Fear of what?
Over time I have felt the fear in rowing and expedition racing, as I launched my business and in facing my blindness but the fear never comes close to the buzz that follows when it has been conquered. In fact the more intense the fear, the bigger the buzz is likely to be.
So, as I lie on my bunk I am trying to flip the fear into feelings of excitement. If I believe what I have just written then the buzz coming up is gonna be a good one! Time to sleep, we wont have much more for the next 6 days and nights!


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