“Unbreakable” documentary film Irish tour coming to an end

The Unbreakable film Irish tour is coming to an end and it has been incredible to get the chance to discuss our story at the post-screening Q&A’s with so many people around the country. We have learnt a lot and it means a great deal to Simone and I to know that we have your support behind us as we push forward in our aim to find a cure for paralysis. Alan Bathe of Roslyn Park College (pictured with me below) wrote this poem and he read it at one of our Dublin screenings – it is just one example of the amazing and thought provoking responses we have received from audience members around Ireland.

Mark and Alan Bathe from Roslyn Park College after an Unbreakable screening

Will You Walk Again?

by Alan Bathe, Roslyn Park College

– Inspired by Mark Pollock’s Unbreakable film

Only happiness on your face,

While at a steady pace,

You draw your audience into your story,

Emotional, riveting, no fury,

As peaceful as a hummingbird,

Tackling things which are undesirable and immense,

Your token is your word,

Makes your sweat rinse

Oh! Mighty Man, Are you a wrestler?

Or a warrior? Not a meddler!

Saint? Angel? Maybe the both,

Ah sure you know you have an angel looking after you,

I wish the same on my boat,

At sea as I enjoy the elegance, as you do,

We enjoy journeys, different ones,

With every breath in our lungs!

“Will you walk again?” asked by us,

Angels do inspire us.


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