Team Daft on the silver screen

We’ve been working away on the Team Daft Round Ireland Yacht Race challenge, and as well as ticking the admin boxes, we’ve had some practical stuff to do too.

Mick has been showing me the ropes, literally, in a 1720. I’ve found that helming upwind is no problem, there is a gentle tug on the tiller that lets you know when you’re hitting the right angles. Downwind, I need more verbal cues as there is less feel on the tiller, so the boat isn’t ‘telling me’ much about what’s going on. We’re working with technology experts to deal with that problem.

We also had the small matter of the Sea Survival Course to deal with, which went well and allows us to go into the offshore phases of this project with plenty of confidence that we can deal with the worst, should it occur. All the while, we’ve had Markham Nolan looking over our shoulder, and he’s put together this video detailing our progress to date.


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